Sunday, March 3, 2013

"Daddy's Money" - Secret Wedges for teens and my thoughts

Good Morning - well try as I might, I couldn't get the stories and all the blogs I read yesterday regarding these new shoes geared for teens that go under the name of "Daddy's Money" out of my head. 

My first thought - Yeah right. What are the statistics on single parent households and there is no "Daddy"? How many mothers are out there waiting on "Daddy's Money" in the form of a child support check? Now giving credit where credit is do, there are men out there raising their kids as a single parent and I commend you. And to my 2 parent families my best wishes on keeping it together. And with that being said here is

My second thought - How disrespectful to those mothers and the fathers out there trying to raise their children on their own. To the two parent households where its not just "daddy's money" but "mommy's money" too that it used to purchase their child's needs and wants. 

I know even though my children are grown, if I heard it come out of their mouth when asked how they acquired something they replied my "Mommy's Money" my feelings would be hurt. It doesn't sound like they acquired it because I was thoughtful enough to want them to have it. It doesn't sound like they did anything to deserve it, let alone earn it. Sounds more to me like they manipulated me to spend my money to get it. These are just my thoughts, but I'm just saying.. 

When your child woke up this morning and the house was warm and they got out of bed and flipped on the lights, when they turned on the water to brush their teeth, when they walked in the kitchen to have breakfast, eating the food that you purchased- do they say to you, themselves or any one else's it is because of "Daddy's Money" or "Mommy's Money" that the bills are paid and food was bought? I'm just saying, if my/your child is going to understand our responsibility and respect us as a parent(s) to provide for them with "Our Money" whether "mommy or daddy" these are the things we should want them to associate that money with. Not a pair of shoes.

In my eyes a better name for these shoe's would have been "Earned, Saved or After Bills Money" 

To Your Parenting Success - Nannie

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